Month: June 2017

Today meetup … “Open sourcing the IoT : running EnMasse on Kubernetes”

Yes … I’m at the airport waiting for my flight coming back home and I like to write something about the reason of my trip … as usual.

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Today, I had a meetup in Milan hosted in the Microsoft Office and organized by my friend Felice Pescatore who leads the AgileIoT project; of course my session was about messaging and IoT … so no news on that. The title ? “Open sourcing the IoT : running EnMasse on Kubernetes”.

Other friends were there with their sessions like Felice himself, Valter Minute speaking about how moving from an IoT prototype to a product and Clemente Giorio and Matteo Valoriani with very interesting sessions about Holo Lens real scenarios.

I started with an introduction about messaging and how it is related to the IoT then moving to the EnMasse project, an open source “messaging as a service” platform that is well suited for being the messaging infrastructure of an IoT solution (for example, it’s applicable inside the Eclipse Hono project).

I showed main EnMasse features and the new ones which will come in the next weeks and how EnMasse provides a messaging and IoT solution from an “on-premise” deployment to the “cloud” in a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster. For this reason I said “open sourcing the IoT”, because all the components in such solution are open source !

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For showing that, I had a demo with a Kubernetes cluster running on Azure Container Service deploying EnMasse and Apache Spark on that. This demo was made of an AMQP publisher sending simulated temperature values to a “temperature” address deployed in EnMasse (as a queue) and a Spark Streaming job reading such values in order to process them in real time and getting the max value in the latest 5 seconds writing the result to the “max” address (another queue); finally an AMQP receiver was running in order to read and show such values from “max”.

If you want to know more about that you can find the following resources :