
A routing IoT gateway to the Cloud

Let’s start with an on-premise solution …

Imagine that you have an embedded solution (or if you like it … an IoT solution) with a bunch of tiny devices which are connected to an on-premise server which receives telemetry data from them and is able to execute some elaboration in order to show information in real time on a dashboard and control the devices.

Imagine that your solution is based on the AMQP protocol and perhaps your on-premise server is running a messaging broker for gathering data from devices as messages through the local network.

Imagine that, due to your very constrained devices, the security in the network is guaranteed only at data level by encrypting the body of every single AMQP message. It’s possible that due to their complexity and need of more resources (CPU and memory) you can’t use sophisticated algorithms (i.e. DES, 3DES, AES, …) on your devices but only simple ones (i.e. TEA, ..).

Your solution is just working great in your environment.

… but now we want to move it to the Cloud

Imagine that for some reasons you need to change the on-premise nature of your solution and you want to connect the devices directly to the cloud with a very strict rule : nothing to change on the devices. At least you can change some configuration parameter (i.e. server ip, …) but not the way and the protocol they are using for communication.

The first simple solution could be moving your messaging broker from the on-premise server on a IaaS in the Cloud; just changing connection parameters on your devices and all continue to work as before.

The big problem now is that your data are sent through the public network and your security is based on a simple encryption algorithm applied only on the payload of the messages. For this reason, you start to think about using SSL/TLS in order to have security at connection level on top of TCP/IP, data encryption and server authentication.

Start to think about it but then … wait … I can’t use SSL/TLS on my tiny devices … they don’t have the needed resources in terms of CPU and memory … and now ?

Fog computing and IoT gateway : the solution ?

You know about “fog computing” (the new buzz word after IoT ?) and that you can solve your problem using an IoT gateway. Having this gateway could mean to have an intelligent piece of software which is able to gather data from the local network, process them in some way and then send them to the Cloud. The gateway could give you more features like filtering on data (sending only part of them), offline handling (if the Cloud isn’t reachable) and complex local processing but … wait … you don’t want it … you just want that data arrives to the Cloud in the same way as before (to the on-premise server) and for now you don’t need other additional great features.

Could we have a very simple IoT gateway with only the two following features we need :

  • SSL/TLS protocol support on behalf of the tiny devices;
  • traffic routing from devices to the Cloud in a transparent way;

The answer is … yes ! You have such solution and it’s provided by the Qpid Dispatch Router project from the ASF (Apache Software Foundation).

I already wrote about it in some previous articles [1] [3] so let me just show how you can use the router in a way that solve your “porting” problem.

The router just needs the right configuration

In order to show in a very simple way how to configure the router for our objective, we can use the Azure IoT Hub as Cloud platform for the IoT. As all the Azure messaging services like Service Bus and Event Hub, the IoT Hub needs an encrypted connection based on the SSL/TLS protocol … so it’s the problem we want to solve for our non SSL capable devices.

For the sake of simplicity we can run the router on a Raspberry Pi using the Raspbian distribution as OS; you can read about installing the Qpid Dispatch Router on Linux and on the Raspberry Pi in these articles [2] [4].

The main point is the configuration needed for the router in order to connect to an IoT Hub and routing the traffic from devices to it.

First of all we have to consider all the addresses that at AMQP level are used in order to send telemetry data to the hub, receive commands and reply with feedback. All these information are deeply explained here [5] [6].

The routing mechanism used in this configuration is the “link routing” [3] which means that the router creates a sort of “tunneling” between devices and the IoT Hub; it opens the TCP/IP connection with the hub, establishing it with SSL/TLS on top, and then opens the AMQP connection. All the SSL/TLS stuff happens between router and IoT Hub and the devices aren’t aware about it. You can see what happens through the router trace :

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ PN_TRACE_FRM=1 qdrouterd --conf ex06_iothub.conf
Sat Jul 23 11:56:17 2016 SERVER (info) Container Name: Router.A
Sat Jul 23 11:56:17 2016 ROUTER (info) Router started in Standalone mode
Sat Jul 23 11:56:17 2016 ROUTER_CORE (info) Router Core thread running. 0/Router.A
Sat Jul 23 11:56:17 2016 ROUTER_CORE (info) In-process subscription M/$management
Sat Jul 23 11:56:18 2016 ROUTER_CORE (info) In-process subscription L/$management
Sat Jul 23 11:56:18 2016 AGENT (info) Activating management agent on $_management_internal
Sat Jul 23 11:56:18 2016 ROUTER_CORE (info) In-process subscription L/$_management_internal
Sat Jul 23 11:56:18 2016 DISPLAYNAME (info) Activating DisplayNameService on $displayname
Sat Jul 23 11:56:18 2016 ROUTER_CORE (info) In-process subscription L/$displayname
Sat Jul 23 11:56:18 2016 CONN_MGR (info) Configured Listener: proto=any role=normal
Listening on
Sat Jul 23 11:56:18 2016 CONN_MGR (info) Configured Connector: proto=any role=on-demand
Sat Jul 23 11:56:20 2016 POLICY (info) Policy configured maximumConnections: 0, policyFolder: '', access rules enabled: 'false'
Sat Jul 23 11:56:20 2016 SERVER (info) Operational, 4 Threads Running
Connected to
[0x19dc6c8]: -> SASL
[0x19dc6c8]:0 -> @sasl-init(65) [mechanism=:ANONYMOUS, initial-response=b"anonymous@raspberrypi"]
[0x19dc6c8]: -> AMQP
[0x19dc6c8]:0 -> @open(16) [container-id="Router.A", hostname="", max-frame-size=65536, channel-max=32767, idle-time-out=60000, offered-capabilities=:"ANONYMOUS-RELAY", properties={:product="qpid-dispatch-router", :version="0.6.0"}]
[0x19dc6c8]: <- SASL
[0x19dc6c8]:0 <- @sasl-mechanisms(64) [sasl-server-mechanisms=@PN_SYMBOL[:EXTERNAL, :MSSBCBS, :ANONYMOUS, :PLAIN]]
[0x19dc6c8]:0 <- @sasl-outcome(68) 
[0x19dc6c8]: <- AMQP
[0x19dc6c8]:0 <- @open(16) [container-id="DeviceGateway_1766cd14067b4c4b8008b15ba75f1fd6", hostname="", max-frame-size=65536, channel-max=8191, idle-time-out=240000]

At this point, the devices can connect locally to the router and when they asked for all the AMQP links related to the IoT Hub addresses, they will be tunneled by the router : the AMQP “attach” performatives are routed to the IoT Hub through the connection with the router. The communication then continues on this link in terms of message transfers directly between IoT Hub and devices but all encrypted until the router through the SSL/TLS protocol.router_iothub

The router configuration is something like that :

listener {
 port: 5672
 authenticatePeer: no

ssl-profile {
 name: azure-ssl-profile
 cert-db: /opt/qdrouterd/Equifax_Secure_Certificate_Authority.pem

connector {
 name: IOTHUB
 addr: <iotHub>
 port: 5671
 role: on-demand
 sasl-mechanisms: ANONYMOUS
 ssl-profile: azure-ssl-profile
 idleTimeoutSeconds: 120

# sending CBS token
linkRoute {
 prefix: $cbs/
 connection: IOTHUB
 dir: in

# receiving the status of CBS token request
linkRoute {
 prefix: $cbs/
 connection: IOTHUB
 dir: out

# sending telemetry path and command replies from device to hub on : devices/<DEVICE_ID>/messages/events
# ATTENTION ! Here we need CBS Token
linkRoute {
 prefix: devices/
 connection: IOTHUB
 dir: in

# receiving command on device from hub on : devices/<DEVICE_ID>/messages/deviceBound
# ATTENTION ! Here we need CBS Token
linkRoute {
 prefix: devices/
 connection: IOTHUB
 dir: out

The main points in the configuration are :

  • a listener entity which defines that the router accept incoming AMQP connections on port 5672 (not encrypted);
  • the ssl-profile entity in order to configure the parameter for SSL/TLS connection to the IoT Hub and specifically the CA certificate to use for server authentication;
  • the connector entity which defines the way the router connects to the IoT Hub (address and port) using the above SSL profile;

After above parameters there is a bunch of linkRoute entities which define what are the addresses that should be link routed by the router from devices to the hub (using the specified connector).

You can find the complete configuration file here.

The Netduino Plus 2 use case

In order to develop an application very quickly on device side I decided to use my knowledge about .Net Micro Framework using a board that hasn’t the SSL/TLS support : the Netduino Plus 2 board.

The simple application is able to send a message to the IoT Hub and receive a new one replying with a feedback. All the code is available here.

In the following pictures you can see the message sent by the board and the command received (with the related feedback) through the Device Explorer tool.




Of course, the Qpid Dispatch Router project has a greater object than I showed here that could be providing connection to messaging services at scale thanks a more complex router network, with a path redundancy feature to reach a broker or a simple receiver.

In this article, I just showed a different way to use it in order to give more power to tiny devices which aren’t able to connect to AMQP based services due to their limitation (in this case the lack of SSL/TLS support).

If you consider the starting point, the configuration change could be avoided because the router could have same IP address and AMQP listening port as the previous on-premise server .

It means that only adding the router configured for the Cloud connection solves the problem !

[1] Routing AMQP : the Qpid Dispatch Router project

[2] Qpid Dispatch Router installation on your Linux machine

[3] Routing mechanisms for AMQP protocol

[4] My Raspberry Pi runs the Qpid Dispatch Router

[5] Connecting to the Azure IoT Hub using an AMQP stack

[6] Azure IoT Hub : commands and feedback using AMQP .Net Lite

The “hybrid” Internet of Things

The title of this blog post could sound strange to you … what’s the “hybrid” Internet of Things ? Why speaking about an hybrid nature related to IoT ? As we’ll see, It’s not something new but we can consider it both a new way to approach already running solutions or an old way to see new solutions in the IoT space … it’s up to you choosing the interpretation you like. In the Internet of Things nothing is new, today it’s only the right time for connecting “objects” on large scale.

So … what’s “hybrid” Internet of Things ?

The hybrid cloud

For several years, the cloud computing was the most used base for a lot of enterprise architectures and companies decided to move all their data, computation, processing and so on from “on premise” infrastructures to the cloud itself.

The cloud seems to offer infinite storage space and scaling for computation without any concerns from a company point of view which can configure all the features to change automatically. The result could be less time to spend on handling “on premise” infrastructures and less (?) moneys to invest.


Even if all available cloud platforms (Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, IBM Bluemix, Google App Engine, …) have got certifications about data storage and related protection there is one big concern for companies which invest in a distributed architecture … the security and privacy on data.

Data are the money of the new century and for this reason today a lot of companies prefer to store sensible data in their private servers but rely on scaling and computational features of public servers in the cloud : the hybrid cloud was born in order to connect these two infrastructures.

In the hybrid architecture, the company protects sensible data in house and leverage on the computation of public cloud exchanging only not sensible data using encrypted connection of course.

One of the most important players in the hybrid cloud is Red Hat which leverage on all main open source projects to develop its offer.

The idea of Internet of Things

When Kevin Ashton coined the term “Internet of Things” in the 1999, he wanted to describe the connection between the physical world and Internet speaking about “things” (not only people) on the public network.


At that time, the hardware was too much expensive, too big in size, not so powerful and with a poor connection. Nowadays we have very tiny devices with a lot of CPU power and memory other than all kind of connectivity : all these things at a very low cost. These conditions have favored the birth of “maker” movement : a lot of non professional people can now develop on embedded devices in a very simple way with the programming language they love. Not only the “old” but powerful C/C++ but many other high level languages like C#, Java, Python and JavaScript of course.

In this scenario, the main idea is connecting all these things to Internet directly, sending data to the cloud for processing and receiving command to control devices from the cloud itself. The connection is the main needed feature that is provided on the embedded devices themselves if they have enough resources or through a more powerful node called “field gateway”.

The direct connection to Internet means a very huge number of devices connected to the big network but it means a lot of problems too. Of course, it’s true for all the devices that are TCP/IP capable (via Ethernet or Wi-Fi) but not for a very huge number of “old” devices with legacy connections (RS232, RS485 …), devices with PAN (Personal Area Network) support (BLE, ZigBee, Z-Wave, …) or industrial protocols (OPC-UA, Modbus, CAN, …). In these scenarios, the field gateway becomes the bridging point between devices and the cloud.

Moving IoT in the “fog”

As we can see in most cases there is the need to add another node at the edge of an IoT solution to bring the real world data and control to the cloud. There are too much problems to rely on a public servers infrastructure only, it’s true both on devices and cloud side.

Moving part of the intelligence at the edge of an IoT solution and closed to the “T” side is an old practise in industrial environment but has a huge value today considering the growing number of connected devices. This approach has a well defined name today : the fog computing.


There are a lot of concerns about cloud computing solved by the fog. Let’s try to summarize them !

The protocols Babel tower

The first role of a field gateway is the protocol translation. This scenario is always true : it’s true for devices which are already TCP/IP capable for connecting to the Internet but it’s also true for legacy and low constrained devices which need a bridging point to the cloud. Devices could be able to connect directly to the cloud from a network capabilities point of view but they couldn’t speak the same “language”, it means the same protocol. Babel tower is the home for a lot of protocols today and the online IoT platforms can’s speak all of them. The first need is a local translation from devices protocol to cloud protocol in both cases if it’s based on TCP/IP (see MQTT, AMQP, HTTP, …) or on personal area network (see BLE for example).

Reducing cloud workload

Using an IoT field gateway, part of the work is done in the fog at the edge of our complex solution and it means reducing the cloud workload. Data centers are huge with powerful public servers but the resources aren’t unlimited; speaking about million/billion/trillion of connected devices is a problem for the cloud  and reducing this number could be a very good solution. Thanks to a central node at the edge, we can establish to few connections but at same time sending data that are representative of more devices in a local network. Sometimes not all produced data are needed for processing in the cloud so a pre-processing is executed at the edge to analyze, filter, reduce, elaborate data to send.

Real time reaction

A lot of IoT solutions need a near real time reaction time. Connection to the cloud introduces latency : to control a device, the data is sending to the cloud through the “big net”, the server processes it and replies with a command to start an action on the device itself. There is a not negligible round trip related to the connection and to the server workload too, because it’s serving not only one device but a huge number of them.

Offline handling

Without an Internet connection, an IoT solution which is entirely based on an online platform can’t work ! Of course, all cloud providers offer a SLA (Service Level Agreement) very closed to 100% but a lot of times we have to consider the very low percentage of failure. With fog computing we have a local node and we have to deal with local network connection only. The same is true when the cloud platform is available but the connection isn’t reliable (and it’s like having the platform offline) or the bandwidth is low. Thanks to the central node at the edge we are able to handle a lot of offline scenarios : we can leverage on local storing data when the connection isn’t available.

Security and privacy

In a lot of scenarios protecting data is a must. Even if all cloud connections are encrypted and based on SSL/TLS protocol, more companies which build IoT solution prefer to have data in their private server to protect themselves and their customers (who are the data owners). Using a field gateway, we can filter data to avoid sending all of them to the cloud; we can hold sensible data in our local network and send the non sensible ones to the public servers.

Reducing price

All IoT cloud platforms aren’t for free but they have a cost which is related to the number of connected devices and the number of messages exchanged per hours/days. Thanks to the field gateway we can connect more local devices using only a single connection (for the gateway itself) and thanks to the pre-processing we can filter and reduce the amount of data to send : it means reducing cost. It’s more important when the traffic isn’t “free” but it has an higher cost like using GSM connection for example.

The “fog” computing is around us

If we think about the the now days IoT market, almost of the 100% of the solutions are “fog” solutions and don’t rely on a pure cloud architecture. We can think about the connected cars : all the sensors speak a specific protocol on a CAN bus and a central and unique gateway is the only one having an Internet connection to send gathered data to the cloud.


The same is for industrial environments (think about a cars production line) where all devices use industrial protocols like OPC-UA and need near real time reaction time (think about the robots in the production line).


The smart home is another example made of BLE, ZigBee, Z-Wave based devices connected to the Internet through a central router. In general, the smart grid solutions like smart cities are based on an architecture made of more local networks connected to the cloud through a single point. Last simple example could be considered the wearable market : all wearable devices are very low constrained and aren’t TCP/IP capable so for this reason we need a gateway to send their data to the cloud; in most cases this gateway is our smartphone !


All around the world, big companies speak about their great online IoT platforms (you can read about two of them on this article). Of course, we need them because building an “on premise” IoT solution is almost impossible. It’s also true that we can’t rely on a “pure” cloud architecture. We saw that the solutions already in the field aren’t so pure but they are “fog” solutions and it could be considered the only reliable approach we have to use for future implementation.

The future is not “pure” … it’s “hybrid” … for this reason I like to speak about “hybrid” Internet of Things !